Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge Day 30 #HAWMC

Day 30 of the WEGO Health Activist Writer’s Month which I have signed up for – a month dedicated to the art of writing about health. Today’s prompt:

Word Cloud. Make a word cloud or tree with a list of words that come to mind when you think about your blog, health, or interests. 

Thoughts on completing  #HAWMC

I have discovered through this past month how much I love visuals, so this is a great exercise to end on.  I can’t remember which of my blogging friends said at the beginning of this month, that it was a little like pulling back the window on an Advent calendar. And it’s a great description. Each day I felt a ripple of excitement wondering what the writing challenge would be. Some days, I felt they were made for me..others my heart sank a little, as I felt the challenge of going outside my comfort zone – needless to say those days taught me the most about myself and were the most memorable part of this  journey.

I wish I could say I used this month to discover new blogs – that really was what I had hoped to do at the outset – but it turned out to be such a busy time for me with work, that I just about managed to write my own posts and dip into those of some of my favourite bloggesses. I regret that I couldn’t read more blogs, but I am delighted that I got to learn new things about my friends who joined me in this challenge.

I am going to miss this exercise in many ways, but I am also looking forward to getting back to my old blogging routine. I’ve missed the guest posts, Mindful Monday and weekly round-up  regulars, so I guess I learned that in the end, while it is fun to step outside and and try something new now and then, I love the comfort of familiarity and routine.

Normal service will soon be returning here on Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer…after I take a well-deserved rest 🙂