Oh mama! It’s mammogram time

I spent this weekend busy designing the website for my new business venture, and as always happens, when it comes to what I am passionate about, I became completely lost in the activity.  It’s such a wonderful distraction when you find your passion as I have when it comes to online marketing and social media, but there comes a time when you have to stop and face what you’ve been successfully avoiding.

It’s getting dark outside as I type these words and I am alone in the house and my thoughts are now starting to turn to tomorrow morning and my annual mammogram. Conveniently mine rolls around each year on the anniversary of my first ever mammogram (and what  a shock that one was) – the one that first alerted me to “the lump”.  Despite interacting on a daily basis with the online BC brigade, I rarely worry about a recurrence. I feel devastated when I hear of someone whose cancer has recurred and I know that their story could so easily be mine too, but I can’t live my life thinking that it’s round the corner, lurking in the dark, ready to pounce on me again.

Except on nights like these…

I just mentioned to my husband on the telephone right now that I am feeling nervous about tomorrow and his answer?” Sure you’ve nothing to worry about, hasn’t it been clear for the past six years.”  Thanks dear. Oh and another thing…if men had to have a manogram, would he be so flippant? Yes guys – it really does hurt!