Meat Free Monday

Let's talk broccoli

I have been discovering some beautiful foodie blogs lately and one in particular has caught my eye with a fab recipe for Chargrilled Broccoli and Beans with Chilli, Garlic and Sweet Soy Rice Noodles. This dish simply transforms the humble broccoli, a vegetable which we now know as anti-cancer properties.

On a side note, I got frustrated and angry when I did a quick search on google, looking again for the name of the anti-cancer compound –sulforaphane –found in broccoli and came across a website which made  ridiculous claims erroneously deduced from recent lab-based research into this compound. It stated that “Regardless of the FDA’s opinions, superfoods do CURE cancer. Broccoli REVERSES breast cancer.” I know, I know … there is an abundance of misinformation and downright dangerous information on the web, and this is just one example of misinterpreting the latest research news (if you are interested in learning more about how to interpret the science behind the sensationalist headlines, check out this post).

For the record, sulforaphane, a natural compound found in broccoli does appear to have some anti-cancer properties. However, this research is in the very early stages, and there are no immediate implications for breast cancer treatment or prevention. Most importantly, it cannot be assumed that eating broccoli is comparable to applying the sulforaphane compound directly to cancer cells under controlled conditions. Ok now that I have that off my lop-sided chest, let’s get back to the recipe.

I couldn’t do the recipe justice by reprinting it – you really should take a look at this beautifully photographed blog – so check out the recipe here.