How to practise loving-kindness

I read a lovely post on practising loving-kindness meditation in the Huffington Post last week.  A practice, author of the post, Marguerite Manteau-Rao “routinely calls upon when the emotions get to be too much…my secret weapon of choice, for all the times when life gets a bit rough”.

She adds that there is also good scientific evidence for why loving kindness works.

Our emotions are shaped by our thoughts. If we retrain ourselves to substitute lovingly kind thoughts for our usual messages of self-hatred, over time, it is to be expected that our overall well-being will increase.

If you are interested in learning more about how to practise this simple but effective form of meditation, there are many resources out there. One of the best books I have read on the subject is  “A Path With Heart” by Jack Kornfield.

Kornfield writes that once you have mastered the practice:

you can learn to practice it anywhere. You can use this meditation in traffic jams, in buses and airplanes, in doctors’ waiting rooms, in a thousand other circumstances. As you silently practice this loving-kindness meditation among people, you will immediately feel a wonderful connection with them — the power of loving-kindness. It will calm your life and keep you connected to your heart.

Finally, as I write this, I leave you with my own heart-felt loving-kindness wish for you today and all your days

May you be well, may you be happy, may you be at peace, may you live joyfully and with ease.

(Click here to read Jack Kornfield’s instructions on practising loving-kindness)